Roof Construction Basics

Roofs are one of the most expensive repair costs a homeowner can experience.  The average cost of a new roof can run anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. As you might guess, most homeowners don’t have this sort of money set aside.

Before making such a big purchase, it’s wise to know the basics of roof construction so you can make an informed decision on which roofing company you should hire.

Tampa roofing companies come in all sizes and levels of proficiency, so it’s good to be informed. Let’s take a look at the basics of constructing a basic gable roof.

Choosing Your Design

Before any building work actually begins, you need to choose the right design for your roof. All roofing services in Florida will typically caution you regarding the weather. Different parts of the state are more exposed to the elements than others, so a roof in Northern Florida will never be the same as a roof down by the Florida Keys.

Once you’ve decided on a design that fits in with your budget, it’s time to start the process of constructing the roof itself.

Framing the Roof

The first step in building a roof is the frame. You should see this as the basic skeleton of the roof. When a roofing company builds a roof from scratch they’ll typically use premade trusses to put the frame in place.

But what are trusses and what do they look like?

Trusses are prefabricated and come in a triangulated form. They’re made from wood and your contractors will fit these trusses into place.

You’ll already start to see the shape of the roof forming.

Sheathing and Underlaying the Roof

The next step is to install the roof sheathing. This is the layer of material that rests on top of the frame. It’s a critical step as this will provide the overall surface of the roof.

The sheathing will then be secured with a protective layer known as underlayment. In some parts of the country, this may also have an ice barrier. Naturally, Tampa roofing companies won’t utilize an ice barrier.

After these two layers are in place, you’ll see that most of your roof is ready. There’s just one final step.

The Finishing Touches

The final touch is the roof cover installation. These are the shingles and other materials that complete the style of your roof.

Roof cover installation protects your roof from the elements. For example, Tampa roofing companies may recommend metal shingles as a great roofing solution due to their strong wind resistance properties.

Coverings will vary heavily in price.

Last Word – Hire a Professional to Construct Your Roof

These are the basic steps a roofing company will follow when constructing your roof. It sounds simple, but the process requires a great deal of expertise and professionalism to carry out.

Unless you have prior experience, you should go out of your way to hire a professional to construct your roof for you. This way you’re guaranteed great results and a roof designed to stand the test of time.

What’s your priority when it comes to the design of your roof?

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